Community Forum, January 13th from 6-8pm, at Beaumont
The official blog of NE Portland's Sabin Community Association representing the Sabin neighborhood.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Community Forum Date for Sabin Boundary Change
Community Forum, January 13th from 6-8pm, at Beaumont
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sabin School Boundary and Enrollment Change Process
I write to you as the Sabin Community representative on the Portland Public School District (PPS) Boundary Advisory Committee (BAC). The purpose of this email is to inform you about the boundary change process currently underway for Sabin K-8, ACCESS 2-8 (TAG school housed at Sabin), Alameda K-5 and Beaumont 6-8.
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Why boundary changes are under consideration?
My Role.
Clay Veka
Monday, December 13, 2010
Does Sabin need a street tree inventory?
Active community groups interested in the cause begin by gathering volunteers to help conduct a street tree inventory. Volunteers are guided by Urban Forestry staff, who provide training, tools, and event organization. Together, information is collected on tree species, size, health, site conditions, and available planting spaces. Data is analyzed by Urban Forestry staff, and findings are presented to neighborhood stakeholders. Achievable strategies are set by the collective body to improve existing trees, identify opportunities for an expanding tree canopy, and connect the neighborhood with city and nonprofit resources. The result is a Neighborhood Stewardship Plan. The plan identifies the current status and health of neighborhood street trees and provides recommendations for neighborhood action. This final product serves as a catalyst for neighborhood implementation.
Why inventory your street trees?
There are many reasons why a group should consider inventorying trees in their neighborhood. Each tree inventory is customized to capture the requested data and to meet the goals of the group. While your group may already have a few goals in mind, Urban Forestry will help solidify goals early in the process to ensure that the appropriate data is collected, propose a practical timeline, and staff appropriately.
A tree inventory can help your group meet the following goals:
- Determine the location, species, size, and health of trees
- Identify locations to plant new trees
- Increase awareness of the important role trees play in making urban environments more livable
- Engage residents to help care for and protect existing trees
- Develop a Neighborhood Stewardship Plan
- Forge a partnership with Urban Forestry
- Custom site maps and excel sheets illustrating the findings
- Detailed analysis addressing the goals and recommended next steps
- Urban Forestry pledges to continue working with your group to meet their tree goals through the creation of a Neighborhood Stewardship Plan
Tree inventories are designed to be fun and educational community events. Requesting groups are expected to recruit volunteers to help on the day(s) of the inventory. Most neighborhood tree inventories take place on Saturdays from 8:30 AM-noon. No experience is necessary. Volunteers are paired with a staff member, experienced tree inventory volunteer or Neighborhood Tree Steward.
How can I conduct an inventory in my neighborhood?
Interested in an inventory and Neighborhood Stewardship Plan? Urban Forestry is currently seeking communities interested in conducting their own project. In 2011, four communities will be selected to conduct an inventory. To apply, submit a short application by January 7, 2011. Find the application at Portland Tree Inventory Project.
This project is supported by a grant from the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District and PP&R Urban Forestry.
Contact Angie DiSalvo at
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
October 2010 General Meeting - What Style is My House?
Austin delivered a Call for Volunteers for all the wonderful projects ahead and for service on the SCA committees.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fall General Meeting: Tomorrow night @ Sabin School!
What Style Is My House?
When: This Monday evening! Monday, October 18th
6pm – 7pm: Social Hour (refreshments, local coffee roaster, cider)
7pm – 8pm: Special Presentation: Sabin Architecture
8pm: Sabin Community Association Business Meeting (all welcome)
- Social Hour: Special exhibit of Sabin’s rich history of diversity and community service from the archives of Betty Walker; Architectural Heritage Center table, with experts on weatherizing your home, researching your house, and more; Irvington Historic District table.
- Special Presentation: 7-7:30. What Style Is my House? by Bosco-Milligan Foundation/Architectural Heritage Center board member Robert Jordan. If you’ve ever wondered what style to call your home, you will find the answer in this perfect program. 7:30-8. Sabin historian William Youngren presents particular houses representative of the great integrity of Sabin design.
- Business Meeting: Bring your community business. All residents, community organizations and businesses welcome.
Where: Sabin Elementary School Auditorium 4013 NE 18th Ave. Portland, 97212
Note: Free Babysitting Available, no RSVP necessary!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
FREE Lunch at Sabin School this Summer!
Lunch is served anytime between 11am and 1pm, now through the end of July. Don't miss out and please spread the word within Sabin!
In addition, there are books, games, and gym equipment for students to use.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Oregon Tradeswomen Empowers Women
- Class meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. and includes classroom training (including 5 hours of green job training), hands-on construction work, field trips, valuable industry certifications, strength/fitness training, construction math and measurement, and career counseling.
- Our next class starts on August 10, 2010. Information Sessions about what to expect from the class are held at the PCC Metro One Stop and attending is thefirst step to entering our class. Info sessions are held twice a month.
- We do require a GED and prioritize participants that have a driver’s license. However, interested women should contact us as we often counsel people about what goals to work toward to be more successful in the industry.
Monday, June 14, 2010
How do I know where to start saving energy?

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sabin's Pre-kindergarten program
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Build-a-Burger to Fight Hunger
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sabin Community Orchard Work Party Report 6/6/10
- Soluna Grill to sponsor Salsa Challenge at Fremont Festival. Executive Chef Dan Straub would like to invite all neighbors in and around Portland to come and share your best Salsa. “By August we should be seeing some great tomato’s and if you think you have a “killer” salsa we encourage you to enter our Salsa Challenge at this year’s Fremont Festival”, says owner/executive chef Dan Straub. The Salsa Challenge will be held in the Soluna Grill Parking Lot. Each contestant must make a gallon of their best salsa for the community to taste and judge. Awards will be presented for BEST SALSA and BEST DECORATED BOOTH. The two Award Categories will be PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD and JUDGES AWARD. The community will taste and vote for their favorite Salsa for the PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD. Official Judges will be chosen from among local restaurants for the JUDGE’S AWARD. Individuals will receive 3 Tastes for $5 – 100% of proceeds go to BBA for the Main Street Program. To enter the Salsa Challenge call Dan Straub at 971-222-3433 or Becky Lehman at 949-395-3305.
2010 Spring Clean-up — More Awesome Than Ever!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Our Awesome Annual Sabin Neighborhood Event: The 2010 Sabin Spring Clean-Up!
The Sabin Clean-up will not accept kitchen garbage, construction debris, commercial by-products, batteries, paint, hazardous or chemical wastes. Additionally, the clean-up crew will not accept materials that are classified as compostable material or curbside recyclables; recyclable glass, newspapers, motor oil or cardboard should be put out for pick-up with your regular household garbage for pick-up by your normal rubbish pick-up service. See the Metro website for details at
The Sabin Clean-up Committee offers a limited curbside pick-up service to individuals, seniors and folks that are "in-need." These folks typically have disabilities that limit their ability to efficiently dispose of debris. Please do not use this service unless you are severely limited by physical ability and have no means what-so-ever to dispose of debris. Please donate generously when using this service; Fred and Rick are the Sabin Clean-up A-Team; their commitment to this service is absolutely amazing. Contact Jerry Channell at 503-282-7584 to schedule a pick-up time and place for May 15th only.
To dispose of debris, just clip, fill out and bring the sanctioned coupon that is at the bottom of this newsletter or located at numerous neighborhood businesses and institutions. Please donate generously, this is a neighborhood fund-raising effort; we don’t charge flat fees like most neighborhoods. The Sabin Clean-up Committee is readily soliciting volunteers to expedite this endeavor; call Jerry at the aforementioned phone number to pitch-in and celebrate "community" by contributing to the clean-up effort. Sorry contiguous neighbors, the Sabin Spring Clean-up is available to Sabin residents only.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
May 8 -- Sabin Neighborhood Encounter: Our Common Spaces
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Board Candidates' Statements: Vision for Sabin
Austin Peterson: Maintaining the character of sabin while imroving the lifestyle of the residents is the paramount goal of my tenure as president. I plan to focus on quality recruitment to the board and subcommitees so that we can utilize the diverse character and expertise of our residents in our work as the community representatives.
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Barbara Conable: I envision Sabin residents fostering its unique character, cherishing the special nature of its homes and gardens, supporting its school, arts organizations and parks, helping all its businesses to thrive, and cooperating with each other with the help of the SCA and NECN and the Office of Neighborhood Involvement to be a place everybody loves to live and visit.
Positions at Large
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sabin History - Part I: Origins
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Your Sabin Front Yard
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Solarize Northeast -- Enroll by April 15
Solarize Northeast, a volunteer-driven, community-based volume purchasing project for solar electric panels organized by Portland's Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN), expects to create over 20 new green jobs in the Portland area in the coming months. The project is designed to simplify the process of going solar as well as bring significant cost reductions through volume purchasing. Enrollment for the group purchase program is now open at and closes April 15.
The Sabin Housing Market Revival
Urban living continues to be a coveted lifestyle across the US and Europe, and Sabin is no exception. We remain a destination neighborhood because of affordability when compared with Irvington & Alameda, and yet still enjoy the same proximity to the city. Residents and potential home buyers are also attracted by our diversity, the walkability, and of course our outstanding elementary school rating. Adding to all of this, there is a continuous low supply of homes on the market here, creating a healthy supply and demand balance which has helped our property values weather the housing bust remarkably well. The Sabin neighborhood’s average home sale price in 2009 was $381k. Comparing that with an average sales price of $377k in 2008, and $419k in 2007, home owners here are well placed. (Note: The Sabin values above were defined by single family homes served by Sabin School.) -- by Suzanne Clark, Sabin resident and realtor
Do Fences Really Make Good Neighbors?
But you don’t have to be trained to enjoy the benefits of mediation. A group located in the nearby Hollywood district, called Resolutions Northwest (RNW), might be your answer to enjoying the benefits of mediation.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
PDX: App City?

Perhaps now we can truly say “there’s an app for everything!”
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Mayor Adams Breaks Soil for Sabin Community Orchard