Meeting Minutes - April 2010

SUMMARY MINUTES FOR SABIN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING Monday 12 April 2010, 2nd Floor Mezzanine, Whole Foods. 7 - 9 pm.  
AGENDA, additions, corrections.
BALANCE AS OF March 8, 2010                                           $3817.59
Jose Mesa                                                                                        $135.00
Alberta Co-Operative                                                                          $135.00  
Grant, Sabin Community Orchard (SCO)                                                  $960.00
               _____Total: $1230.00  
                    Print Results                                                                 $205.00
                    Rosemarie Cordello (SCO)                                                   $9.96
                    Barbara Conable (Copies and Stamps)                                 $23.43
                    Jeff Strang (Copies By-Laws)                                            $14.40
                    Jeff Strang (SCO Expenses)                                             $263.56
______Total: $516.35
BALANCE as  of March 8, 2010                                              $4531.24
Approved unanimously. 
Sunday Parkways. 16 May. A representative passed out brochures showing the route. We decide to adopt the intersection at 21st and Going and made that commitment to Scott. This year will use the same format as last year: bake sale; lemonade, using our new banner. 
NOMINATING COMMITTEE, Clay, Bill and Austin are preparing a slate for the 10 May elections. There is a question about the number of Board members. Elise moved to cap the number of Board members at thirteen members, five officers and eight at large, no fewer than four at large, no more than eight. Unanimous approval. 
ADMINISTRATION, Rachel. Cooking class booked through June 2011, thanks to Chika. 
CLEANUP, Austin, 15 May. Jerry Channell has finished advertising. Announcements with coupons will be in the newsletter. Sabin Elementary will do a poster. Recyclers will be called to pick up what they want, like appliances.  

COMMUNICATIONS, Clay. Newsletter schedule, articles due Friday 23 April.
Austin is preparing the newsletter insert on crime prevention. Rachel asks if the ads can be on the margins so that they are visible when the insert is posted.
Copy of the brochure for NECN website on Sabin? Elise says it should be revised first. The Board is asked to suggest changes, deadline by the end of May. 
COMMUNITY SAFETY COMMITTEE, Barbara Conable described the letter she sent to thirty-three near neighbors of the Fremont businesses and the seven responses she received, all quite varied. She reported that her committee will meet to determine what actions to take. 
David spoke about off-leash dogs in the HydroPark. “Our hydropark seems to be primarily a dog park.” The Board decided to send a letter to the Water Bureau asking for more successful signs and more enforcement. 
Bill has asked to handle OLCC matters and Rachel suggested that Bill join SCSC. Bill had investigated all the zoning of all the businesses. He’s concerned about video machines at Daddy Mojo’s. Others share his concern. The matter was turned back to the committee. 
EVENTS, Barbara. General meeting is Monday 10 May, Sabin Safe and Sustainable. Many different businesses and organizations will table in the social hour. In the 7 o’clock hour, members of the NET team will demonstrate what they would actually do in the case of an earthquake andDavid Sweet will do a slide presentation of the sustainability projects within Sabin.
LAND USE & TRANSPORTATION. See report at end.
NE COALITION. David reported on the NECN Urban Renewal forums and described the historic problems, its displacement of people often dubbed “urban removal,” its having little benefit to people while making developers rich, its tying up taxes that would otherwise go to the schools and services, its failure to meet its promises. The NECN forums offered an opportunity for residents to articulate these observations, which NECN was able to use to make recommendations to the people who will make the decisions. 
Foodshare Fund NE. King Market opens 6 May with an enhanced SNAP program. David asks for continuing support of $300 to contribute to the $20,000 Foodshare must raise to cover twenty-seven weeks. Barbara so moved. Passed with one abstention. 
LAST THURSDAY, Elise reported progress. Committees have been set up by the city and people have stepped up to fill them. 
 Sabin Community Association, Land Use and Transportation Committee
Meeting Notes April 12, 2010; Whole Foods
Present: David Sweet, Ric Alexander, Austin Peterson, Kirke Wolfe, Bill Youngren, Rachel Studer
Metro Regional Transportation Plan:  The final draft of the RTP is out, and comments are due by May 6.  Austin is reviewing it (hundreds of pages!) and will let us know if there are issues affecting Sabin that we should comment on.
13th/14th & Fremont:  Kirke brought in the signatures of all the affected businesses, approving a crosswalk and possible loss of on-street parking.  David will inform Mark Lear and ask that he follow through on his commitment to design a crosswalk.
Klickitat Bike Boulevard:  Bill reported on the first of two public meetings about this project, to be built in the next year.  Design and route options were discussed.  We decided that we favor a Siskiyou Street alignment from 7th to either 14th or 17th Avenues.  The alternative would include a path around the perimeter of Irving Park and along the Klickitat Mall.  We felt that the latter would create conflicts with pedestrians.  David will write a letter.  The next meeting will be Thursday May 6, 6-8 pm, at Alameda School cafeteria.
18th and Mason:  Rachel would like a stop sign installed for Mason Street traffic eastbound at this T intersection next to the school grounds.  Her concern is that downhill traffic on 18th , especially bikes, are in danger.  She has requested a traffic investigation at 823-SAFE.  She will keep us informed.
Green Street Project:  Trent reports that BES is preparing a Council ordinance appropriating our funds.  City permits will not exceed $5000.  (That’s good news!)
Betty Walker Memorial:  Ric notes the recently erected memorial bench for Dick Levy in Irving Park.  He proposes that we explore a similar memorial for Betty Walker.  He will research costs and options.
Respectfully submitted, 
David Sweet