Minutes, SCA Board Meeting 14 March 2011, Whole Foods, 7 pm.
AGENDA approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance is $3,755.42.
Sabin Orchard. Gwenn reported that twenty people attended the recent planting session. It is “now really looking like an orchard,” she said. Monthly work parties will be the second Sunday of each month, starting in May.
Katy Asher reported that NECN is considering creating a Neighborhood Economic Development Committee.
Sabin Home and Garden Tour. Bill reported a recent meeting of the subcommittee in which it was decided to show ten homes and six gardens and expressed the need for volunteers, including some from Irvington who are eager to help us. Suzanne Clark and Naomi Pusch have joined the subcommittee.
The Sabin Neighborhood Enrichment Program reported helping neighbors get resources and information toward sustainability.
Rick Sills of the King Neighborhood came from Safety and Livability Team, SALT, a committee of NECN, to make a presentation, a copy of which he handed out, to SCA expressing his own views on Last Thursday and inviting us to send a representative to a new subcommittee called Last Thursday Citizens Committee, LTCC.
Plans were made for attendance at the Sabin Elementary School Auction.
Hector offered to be part of the Prescott Triangle Committee and was heartily welcomed. The committee gave a report of a successful meeting with the architect Mark Nye from Architects without Borders. Mark will condense the many recommendations from that day into concepts he will present to the general meeting on 9 May so that the whole community can get involved in the planning of another “identifier of Sabin.”
Volunteers are needed for all these efforts. Austin will write an appeal and we will circulate it to our neighbors.
There was follow up discussion from last month concerning CRC and the SCA. It was agreed that letters to the editor of the newsletter can express the community’s varying views. Hector asked if there can be something informational that could be done at the general meeting. It was decided to have a table concerning the matter at the social hour.
Our signing up for Constant Contact brought with it an Ipad, which we will raffle off and award at the volunteer appreciation potluck 2 August on Neighbors Night Out.
David gave a report on Food Share Fund Northeast, the unwieldy name of which is now changed to Fresh Exchange Northeast, a fund to augment SNAP at farmers’ markets. The written reports about last season reads, “With their buying power augmented by over $20,000 in matching tokens, these low income Oregonians fed their families with $55,000 worth of fresh local fruits and vegetables. This also represents $55,000 in revenue for family farmers, often with equally low incomes.” David added that the families had fun doing it.
Bill made a motion to contribute $500 to the fund this year, up from last year. Unanimous.
Helen Sherman reported a surprising reduction in commercial vehicles parked overnight on residential streets since January.
Adjourned 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Conable
Sabin Community Association, Land Use and Transportation Committee
Meeting Notes April 5, 2011; 7 pm; 4520 NE 19th Ave.
Green Street Project: Our engineers have received their payment. Trent will meet with them in a week or two, then meet with the City to move our permit forward. We will try to get some or all of the permit fees waived for this neighborhood project. We hope to be able to start construction by the end of the summer.
13th/14th & Fremont: David has yet another phone meeting scheduled with Mark Lear on the likelihood of funding for this project.
Prescott Triangle: The design charrette was held on March 12. Mark Nye will have design options for the general meeting on May 9.
Land use review-3334 NE 19th: This application is for design review in the Sabin/Irvington overlap to replace windows and a door on the rear of the house. David learned that a similar review last month cost the applicants an extra $2,200 and a six week delay. The committee is unanimous in feeling that it is unreasonable to require expensive design review for this. Elise and David will write a letter to that effect.
Columbia River Crossing: David gave testimony at the legislature, representing NECN, on HJM 22, an attempt to show legislative support for the CRC without actually asking for a vote on funding for it. This could be used to appropriate funds without legislative approval.
Last Thursday: David reported on the Friends of Last Thursday (FoLT) public meeting on April 2nd. “FoLT is committed to facilitating a fun and sustainable monthly public arts festival that culturally enriches the community while fostering neighborhood respect.” They are also committed to having a “light touch,” and a “low-intervention approach.” There are openings on the FoLT steering committee as well as the five subcommittees: street operations, resources, ambassadors, community impact, and communications. All committees meet next on April 21, subcommittees at 6:00, steering committee at 7:00 at St. Andrew’s Church.
Next meeting—Tuesday, May 3, 7:00, at David’s house 4520 NE 19th Ave.
Respectfully submitted,
David Sweet