Meeting Minutes - February 2011

Summary minutes of the SCA Board Meeting 2 February 2011 at Whole Foods, 7 pm.
Full text available on request.

January minutes approved as revised.

Treasurer’s report:
Current balance: $4255.42
135. Ads
1,000. NECN Grant
Total Credits 1,135.

220. Print Cost
500. PTA Auction
59. Flowers bereavement
Total Debits 779.

Pending Debit $500. Food share donation

Total pending balance $3,755.42

Submitted 03-14-2011, William Youngren, Treasurer SCA

David Sweet asked the Board to change the procedure for Land Use Reviews to make it more efficient and responsive. A motion to approve was passed unanimously after revision of the proposal.

David Sweet presented a draft of a letter asking the city to revise its codes concerning the addition of solar panels to homes. The Board approved the letter unanimously.

David moved to authorize the treasurer to pay $500 in sponsorship of the Sabin School auction. Passed unanimously.

Naomi reported that the new e-newsletter has gone out to residents.

Sabin Orchard planting is scheduled for Saturday 5 March from 2:30-5.

Katy Asher announced a forum on the Columbia River Crossing for 7 March at Concordia University. There will also be a Clean Up Coordinator meeting soon at NECN.

Karen Meyer gave a short presentation about CNAC, the Citizens Noise Advisory Committee.

Gwenn reported for Clay that the Portland Public Schools did not take the actions the BAC, the boundary committee, recommended.

Barbara reported that welcome bags went out in early February to all new residents of Sabin.

A meeting to discuss possible changes to 15th and Prescott will be held Saturday 12 March at 2.

David Sweet showed a video presentation on the Columbia River Crossing and asked that the Board consider the issue with the possibility in mind of opposing it. Discussion followed during which it was decided that SCA would strive to inform the neighborhood of the spectrum of opinions and possible outcomes.

The 2011-12 SCA Master Calendar was reviewed and approved. The general meeting will be Monday 9 May. Sabin Clean Up date is Saturday 21 May. Tuesday 2 August, National Night Out, is the Sabin Volunteer Appreciation Potluck. Tour of Sabin Homes and Gardens. Saturday 13 August, 11-5. Sunday 25 September. Sunday Parkways, 11-4.

Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Conable

Sabin Community Association, Land Use and Transportation Committee

Meeting Notes March 8, 2011; 7 pm; 4520 NE 19th Ave.

Green Street Project: We are awaiting our first payment from the City.

13th/14th & Fremont: David expects to hear from Mark Lear on the likelihood of funding for this project.

Prescott Triangle: We will have a design charrette at Grain and Gristle at 2:00 on Saturday March 12. Neighboring businesses are excited.

Land use review-3127 NE 16th: This application is for design review in the Sabin/Irvington overlap to replace a garage. The committee is unanimous in their support. David will write a letter of support.

Last Thursday: Elise reported on efforts to bring order out of chaos through the formation of Friends of Last Thursday, The City encouraged formation of FOLT in hopes that it could take charge of the event. It is unclear if the City will continue funding ($50,000/year) for street closures, police presence, and port-a-potties. FOLT has no money, although the Mayor’s liaison, Antoinette Edwards, indicates that she will advocate for whatever resources FOLT needs. Elise has resigned from FOLT for personal reasons. She recommends that the SCA designate a representative to FOLT. FOLT plans to introduce itself to the community at a meeting on Saturday, April 2, 2-4 pm, at St. Andrews Church. Also, NECN’s Safety and Livability Team (SALT) has established a subcommittee on Last Thursday. It should also have a Sabin representative.

Next meeting—Tuesday, April 5, 7:00, at David’s house 4520 NE 19th Ave.

Respectfully submitted, David Sweet

Report from Sabin Home and Garden Tour Subcommittee:

The SCA Home and Garden Tour, Saturday 13 August from 11-5. The planning committee is aiming for a multifaceted and unique event exhibiting the special qualities and history of Sabin. Ten homes of historic, artistic, architectural, environmental, and structural integrity will be featured, along with six gardens. The Tour Committee is seeking volunteers.