Sunday, February 28, 2010

Solarize Northeast -- Enroll by April 15

Solarize Northeast, a volunteer-driven, community-based volume purchasing project for solar electric panels organized by Portland's Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN), expects to create over 20 new green jobs in the Portland area in the coming months. The project is designed to simplify the process of going solar as well as bring significant cost reductions through volume purchasing. Enrollment for the group purchase program is now open at and closes April 15.

The program is structured so that the price of solar panel installation goes down for everybody as more neighbors join the effort. Group purchasing creates a 25 to 35 percent savings below current prices, depending on how many sign up. This group discount, in addition to current available tax credits and cash incentives, gives Solarize Northeast participants a significant cost savings. These are the lowest prices ever seen in Portland for solar installations. Information is available at

-- By David Sweet, SCA Land Use and Transportation chair and key Solarize NE organizer

1 comment:

solar panels uk said...

Definitely a step in the right direction. I hope more communities adapt this strategy. That should only contribute to the progress of the solar industry.