Meeting Minutes - May 2010

SUMMARY MINUTES FOR SABIN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING Monday 10 May 2010, Auditorium, Sabin Elementary School. 6- 6:15 pm.   Rachel Studer, Jeff Strang, Chika Saeki, Clay Veka, Bill Youngren, Austin Peterson, David Sweet.
Discussion on changes to the By-Laws
1. Board Members
    Expand at-large members to 4-8 members
2. Grievance procedures 
    Appeal to NECN
Moved to by Bill, Second by Clay, unanimously approved
Agenda for general meeting also unanimously approved
SUMMARY MINUTES FOR SABIN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING Monday 10 May 2010, Auditorium, Sabin Elementary  School, 7-9pm.  
Presentations 7-8pm
    1. NET Team presentation
    2. David Sweet, Sustainable Sabin slideshow
    1. Austin Peterson, Sabin Clean-Up this Saturday 9-2pm, not 10am
    2. Sunday Parkways, NE 21st and Going will be our corner.  We will be having a bake sale
Business Meeting 8 -9pm
Introduction of 2009-2010 Board
    Recognition of "retiring" board members
BY-LAWS, Jeff Strang
Brief overview of what changed from the old to the new by-laws
Copies have been available since January at the Albina Library and on the blog.
Jeff counted the number of community members in attendance, 20 people, 2/3 of 20 is 13 people.  
Discussion on the most recent changes, listed on a separate handout.
    1. 4-8 at large members, it expands the board and provides more flexibility, approved unanimously.
    2. Grievance procedure, appeal can be made to the Northeast Neighborhood Coalition if the grievent is not satisified with the Board decision, approved unanimously
Jeff also pointed out the change in the election cycles.  Our election would align with other neighborhoods and the new term would be from July 1 - June 30th.  This would also align with the training provided by the NECN.
Community member Kirk Wolfe commented on the positive changes however needed clarification of "member of the board" in Article IX.  Elise commented that the definition of Membership was stated in Article IV.  Paige Coleman stated that perhaps the term "Directors of the Board" should be used, so it is clear to whom we are referring to.  
Bill Youngren also had concerns about how board member conflicts of interest would be handled.  Who should decide whether there is a relevant conflict of interest.  How would  board member know they have a conflict.  Gwenn Baldwin pointed that in Article IX Section I,  it clearly defined a conflict of interest "in which the personal financial interest of a member or their immediate family DIRECTLY will be impacted by the action or inaction of the SCA"  Bill questioned whether raised property value could be considered a conflict of interest.  Kirk Wolfe stated that he would be willing to work amending the by-laws.
Jeff noted that the by-laws would have to be passed as is or the election could not take place tonight. Paige commented that these concerns could be noted in the minutes and Jeff said that the by-laws could be amended with the new board.  
Helen Sherman moved to accept the draft by-laws. Bill Youngren second the motion, the by-laws were unanimously accepted.  
ELECTIONS, Paige Coleman
Call for  nominations from the floor.  Paige read Article VII, Section 5, regarding Election of Board Members, she also commented about the responsibilities of the board.
Opened the floor to all nominations:
    President - Austin Peterson
    1st Vice President - Gwenn Baldwin
    2nd Vice President - Ric Alexander
    Treasurer - Bill Youngren
    Secretary - Barb Conable
Asked if anyone on the slate wanting to decline the nomination
Members at Large
    Naomi Lambertson - 1 year term
    Helen Sherman - 2 year term
    David Sweet - 1 year term
    Jeff Strang - 1 year term
    Clay Veka - 2 year term
Final call for nominations
Closed nominations
Paige recommended to vote by the full slate, using a show of hands.
Move to vote for the full slate by Bill Youngren, second by Elise, unanimously approved.
New board was unanimously approved.
ADJOURN 9pm   
Submitted by  Chika Saeki