Sabin Community Association Board Meeting, 9 September 2011, 7 pm, Whole Foods conference room. Fourteen people present.
MINUTES. Additions and corrections to May general meeting minutes and June board meeting minutes were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: 5015.44 Total available funds.
Bill Beamer handed out a brochure called Leaf Day which shows the boundaries of Zone 2, which contains some but not all of Sabin. Residents will receive notification through the mail with information how to opt out. Residents are asked to move cars off the street or rake leaves out from under cars. Pickup this year is not confined to street trees as it was last year.
Tiffany Gates came from Metro to talk about illegal dumping and acquaint residents with the Regional Illegal Dumping Patrol, RID, which will come to pick up something dumped on public property. If you see an illegal dump, give a call to 503-234-3000. If the dump is on private property, RID can investigate, but not remove.
Tim and Derek from Architects without Borders gave a presentation on behalf of the Sabin Triangle subcommittee (Gwenn, Austin, Hector, and David) seeking approval to go forward with planning and fundraising. Discussion followed. The work will “expand past the sub-committee,” Gwenn predicted and involve in some way every Board member and many from the community. It will require “association-wide activity” to succeed. Is it a priority? Several people noted that this project in a SCA tradition of creating public spaces like the very successful Hydro Park. Clay spoke to the fact that commitment to this project may preclude others. Barbara made the motion that the Board commit us to this. The motion passed with one abstention.
Officer Helzer. “We’re doing great, still less than one a day, statistics wise,” referring to crimes in Sabin.
Last Thursday on Alberta Street was discussed briefly with the observation that the parking problems are extending further into Sabin.
Portland Playhouse’s bid to gain support from the King Neighborhood Association for their conversion of the theatre at 6th and Prescott into an art center was discussed. No measure was taken by the Board at this time.
A motion passed unanimously to raise fees for ads in the newsletter to $25 to approach covering the costs of the newsletter with advertising.
The Board will meet again on 10 October for a regular meeting and the following Monday, 17 October, for the fall general meeting at Sabin Elementary School updating the work on the Sabin Triangle.
Adjourned a little late with some agenda items postponed to the next meeting.