Meeting Minutes - June 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010 - Whole Foods
PRESENT: Shoshana Cohen (NECN), Rachel Studer, Gwenn Baldwin, Austin Peterson, Bill Youngren, David Sweet, Jeff Strang, Elise Scolnick, Clay Veka.
(Naomi  Lambertson and Barbara Conable gave prior notice they would not be able to attend.)
AGENDA [unan. accepted; Jeff moved, Austin seconded]

MAY GENERAL MEETING MINUTES [unan. accepted; Bill moved, Austin seconded]

TREASURER’S REPORT – from Chika Saeki, read by Rachel Studer:
Beginning balance: $4531.25
Credits:          $1317.95 cleanup
                        $135 newsletter ad
                        $60 newsletter ad
Debits:            $624.00 March-May newsletter printing
                        $300.00 Food Share Northeast
[unan. accepted; David moved, Elise seconded]
  • Shoshana Cohen introduced herself; NECN Neighborhoods Program Manager, started in October, working with Lauren. Responsibilities include Land Use and Transportation Committee. Previously had worked on Columbia River Crossing. This is Lauren’s last week as Neighborhood Association Outreach Coordinator; they’re starting to look for a replacement.
  • 6/19: Public Land Disposition Forum (discussion on public land management), Mt. Tabor Theater, 4811 SE Hawthorne Blvd. , 10am-noon.
  • 6/25-6/27: Good in the Neighborhood multicultural music and food festival, King School park, 4800 NE 6th Ave.
  • 6/29: N/NE Public Safety Roundtable, NECN, 6-8pm.
  • Gwenn welcomed as incoming Board member. Motion: appoint Gwenn to At-large Board position through 6-30-10 [passed unan.; David moved, Bill seconded]
  • Returning board members and new officers welcomed
  • Thanks to retiring board members (Rachel, Elise, Chika)
  • Nominating Committee: Clay advised this committee should be on-going; she agreed to continue to chair.
  • Local Leaders Exchange at NECN 5/25: Austin reported very worthwhile.
  • Cell towers in Beaumont : come under federal rules, so hard to oppose.
  • NECN Board training: NECN and ONI orientation, Roberts Rules of Order, recruitment, fundraising, newsletter, strategic planning. Austin is recommending 2nd Mon. in July or Aug., with any Monday as backup. Austin is soliciting agenda suggestions, priorities.
  • Checking account: Bill suggested switching banks from U.S. Bank to Advantis Credit Union (nearest office at Lloyd Center ), and David touted them. After discussion, agreed to delay action ‘til Sept. Need to consult with NECN Exec. Dir. (Paige Coleman)
  • 501(c)3 status: we derive from NECN, so there should be some financial interface so they can oversee (issue lobbying can’t be more than 10% of total budget, for example); they have to report finances to feds annually. SCA only reports to Oregon as nonprofit organization.
BYLAW REVISIONS: Jeff agreed to get approved copy of Bylaws to NECN, make copies for Board use.
BUSINESS LIAISON [cancelled; Liberty Wilson not present]
CLEANUP – Tarped pile of CRT’s is still in the Maranatha parking lot. Jerry Channel had reported that the chain across the entrance is normally locked, and weather has been bad, but that he’d haul them away in a truck this week. There was some concern that we were making a nuisance for Maranatha Church . Austin  passed on another $139 that had been misplaced, and said $650 additional would be coming from NECN. Also, 150 lb. of used batteries have been stored by Ric Alexander for some time and need to be moved on; Austin offered to deal with this.
  • Newsletter schedule for September: [Clay] deadline August 20. Purchased for blog. Will change in Sept. newsletter masthead.
  • SCA brochure: [Elise] Not much activity. There are sections to rewrite. Need a committee. Clay and Bill volunteered.
  • Banner & sign: General sense is that simple banner/sign could be done quickly for summer events, and that Ken Rumbaugh could be asked to help with image development for banner with logo for the fall and later (Rachel interested in this).
  • Communication with businesses concerning neighbor complaints: Barbara drafted individual letters to businesses. Austin recommends personal delivery. David intends to take nighttime noise reading of Whole Foods air handler this week. Barbara and committee were praised for great outreach work. Question: if businesses are in compliance, why make contact? Gwenn suggested we nail down our policy on these complaints. Bill suggested proactive general outreach to businesses with potential noise issues before summer season gets going. We’ve gotten reports of pressure-washing Starbucks’ patio early in the a.m.; this should be looked into. David reported that human voice noise volumes are not regulated, although there can be disturbance of peace. Austin will write draft of general pre-summer communication to businesses that Bill suggested and pass it around for Board to look at. Elise suggests recruiting at least 1 person from business community to join the Board.
  • Hydropark dogs: what resolution? – David [cancelled; lack of time]
  • OLCC – Bill [cancelled; lack of time]
ENVIRONMENT - Rachel [cancelled; lack of time]
  • General meeting 5/10 evaluation [cancelled; lack of time]
  • Sunday Parkways 5/16: Elise turned over $116.50 from bake sale.
  • SCA Picnic/Volunteer Appreciation, 8/3: Sabin Hydropark. Naomi, Jeff and Chika will work on this.
  • Movies in the Park (July 23, Aug. 20) [cancelled; lack of time]
  • Betty Walker Memorial - Ric [cancelled; lack of time]
  • Spirit of Portland award nominations due Aug. 16 - Jeff: How about Ken Rumbaugh?  [cancelled; lack of time] 
HISTORIAN: [Bill, Rachel; cancelled -- lack of time]
LAND USE & TRANSPORTATION - David Sweet [cancelled; lack of time]
NE COALITION David, Barb [cancelled; lack of time]
  • Barb invited Ian Lomax to be SCA rep.   
LAST THURSDAY: [Elise] Meeting June 16. Various options for future, including Main Street (community-driven, volunteer-based, comprehensive method of revitalizing older, traditional business districts, under PDC; decision to be rendered June 18).
ADJOURN 9:15 pm
Submitted 6/15/10 by Jeff Strang