Cooking Class, Whole Foods, Rachel Studer presiding.
INTRODUCTIONS: present are Rachel, Barbara, Clay, Naomi, Ric, Jerry, Ian, Liberty, Elise, Jeff, and Chica.
Ric asks if we will give money to the new equipment at Irving Park. It is moved, seconded, and passed that we will contribute $100.
January minutes were approved.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of upcoming meetings, including a conflict resolution workshop, a citizen advocacy workshop, a leadership meeting at King School, and a school leadership conference.
BYLAW REVISION, Judy Harrison.
A draft presented in the agenda needs further revision, especially on matters like the number of general meetings and when people are elected. Rachel recommends waiting to act on a revised draft at the next meeting. Ric has copies of old by-laws. Call Ric if you want one.
Liberty reports that she has introduced herself to some Sabin businesses, telling them about Parkways and other events. She reports the opening of a new drum shop in the Prescott business district near 15th. The recent opening had been a big event with drummers from well-known rock bands in attendance. The owner is community minded, providing a “place where people can come and hang out and bang on drums.” Drum-based visual art is displayed at the shop.
Liberty asked that the March issue of the newsletter ask residents about small home-based businesses in Sabin. Liberty wants to include a single page insert of a list of businesses divided by category in the future. She continues to make contacts for advertising and proposes to write an essay in the future about supporting local economy.
Ian asks about marketing blurb for home-based business. Liberty says she will supply.
Chica reported no bills and no expenditures. She does not know why there has been no recent bill for newsletter printing.
Jerry submitted the following proposal for funds:
The Unparalleled 2009 Sabin Spring Clean-up on May 16, 2009
February 9, 2009
The Sabin Clean-up Committee respectfully submits the following budget request to the SNA Board for consideration and funding. The Clean-up Committee views the following expenditures as essential for a thorough, efficient and successful clean-up effort.
Additionally, this SC-up Committee endeavor represents an expansion of clean-up scope by introducing new methodology for enhancing community awareness and participation. This ongoing effort is realized by posting print information in a timely manner at local business/civic locations; presenting actionable information to the Sabin Community utilizing its monthly neighborhood newsletter; developing an annual grant dissemination program that enhances the Sabin neighborhood by rewarding good ideas from well-founded organizations; and lastly, by actively soliciting citizen involvement in not only event coordination, but in the planning, expansion and implementation of appropriate initiatives that serve to mitigate pollution and purify the Sabin environment.
Budget Request
1. Community Awareness Messaging/Posters $250.00
2. 2009 Volunteer Tee-Shirts $300.00
3. Event Lunch/Snack for volunteers $75.00
4. Event Refreshments for volunteers $25.00
5. Sabin Neighborhood Association “Clean & Green” Grant $100.00
Total 2009 Clean-up Budget Request $750.00
The Sabin Clean-up Committee seeks funding immediately in order to move forward with this initiative. Both Betty and Jerry look forward and looks forward to working in concert with the Sabin Neighborhood Association Board to monitor, measure and report on the successes of the Spring 2009 clean-up event. Sincerely, Betty Walker & Jerry Channell, Sabin Clean-up Committee co-chairs
After considerable discussion of two items, the posters and t-shirts for the event, Ian moved to approve the proposal with the exception that t-shirts in the future be yellow, with no date, so they could carry over from year to year. Seconded by Naomi. The motion passed four to two, with one abstention.
UPDATE 2/9/09
January Results:
February newsletter released! Converted newsletter to Windows based program and released first newsletter.
Future activities
March newsletter – find a better software template
Add newsletter to SCA blog
Add Ian as contributing editor of blog
Layout proposal
Standard Features
Main feature
Upcoming events
Sabin school news
Sabin / SCA news
Clean-Up corner
Board notes
Ads – 1 page
Move to a beginning of month delivery by March:
Feb 20 – ideas and length submitted to Ian
Feb 27 – Final content
Mar 5 – Deliver to printer
Mar 6 – pick up to deliver to Sabin residents
Mar 13 – ideas and length submitted to Ian
Mar 20 – Final content
Mar 27 – Deliver to printer
Mar 31 – pick up to deliver to Sabin residents
Barbara asked if a few lines each moth in the newsletter about SCAPE will be included. Ian answered yes, a few lines.
The question is asked: shall there be ads on one page? Rachel knows of someone who might help make ad policy.
The calendar for publication of the newsletter was discussed. Ian wants to move it up a week so that there is more notice of the board meeting. Rachel says community calendar is hard to establish earlier. Rachel says it’s not particularly important to have the newsletter out ahead of the board meeting. She thinks it’s not a big deal one way or the other.
Liberty asks Jeff how soon after getting them a person who delivers the newsletter should get it done. “Within the week,” is his answer.
Ian says go with the current schedule for now to see if it works.
Liberty raises the issue of editor of the newsletter. She asks if the Board had been looking for a “production manager” rather than an editor, leaving Rachel editor of the newsletter. Ian says it doesn’t make any sense to have content coming to Rachel and then to him. Rachel says the two of them, Rachel and Ian, will work out the editorship and the appropriate division of labor.
Rachel brings up general meeting. Will it be about the environment.? It is decided this will be handled at the next meeting of the Environment Committee. See report of that meeting.
Liberty wants to help make all events, including those handled by other committees the best they can be. This is welcomed by the Board. There is more discussion of the general meeting in May, particularly how to attract more people to it. Liberty mentions the possibility for a Sabin component to the Parkway event, perhaps a post-celebration in the Hydro Park. Upcoming events include Sabin Clean-up, the Prescott Arts Fair, Sabin Annual Picnic, Movie in the Park, a Garden tour in September, the fall general meeting, and a holiday gathering.
Naomi encouraged Board members to look on the NECN web site to review recently funded grants. She reported attending a training for grant writing. She said she does not know what the Board would like to do for a project and asks for ideas. Rachel says the will look up what has been done about this in the past.
Sabin Community Association, Land Use and Transportation Committee
Meeting Notes February 9, 2009
Present: Ric Alexander, Elise Skolnick, Jeff Strang, Trent Thelen, Clay Veka, Kirke Wolfe, David Sweet
Fremont Pedestrian Safety: Trent showed preliminary drawings of a design for a pedestrian crosswalk on Fremont and 10th Avenue, at Irving Park. Because there is likely no funding available from Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Trent is designing an application for a Green Streets Grant from the Bureau of Environmental Services. The design would include curb extensions and bio-swales to receive storm water. This design could work at either 9th or 10th Avenues. Trent will also work on designs for a crosswalk and a bike corral near 14th and Fremont to serve the businesses there. We will want to enlist the support of the King and Irvington neighborhoods for this application. David will contact them and try to arrange meetings for himself and Trent.
NE Coalition LUTC et al.: David Sweet reported on a few items from recent meetings
David and Elise recently attended a City-sponsored workshop on The ABC’s of Land Use. There was some good information about how to be effective in responding to land use proposals. (Note: This workshop will be repeated at NECN, tentatively scheduled for April 25. Sign-up details available soon.)
The City is currently reviewing its tree policies with an eye toward consolidating and updating codes and standards. It is not clear if this effort will go forward with next year’s budget cuts. For more information, see
Vision and goals: There is interest in updating/rewriting the Sabin Neighborhood Plan that was adopted almost 20 years ago. David will check with our NE neighborhood planner, Debbie Bischoff to see if any assistance is available through the Portland Plan. (Note: I checked with Debbie, and the answer is, “no.”)
Kirke notes that any new planning effort should include a neighborhood survey or similar outreach, and urban nature considerations, such as habitat & naturescaping.
Board Liaison: David has a conflict that will keep him from giving LUTC reports to the Board. Jeff volunteered to act as Board Liaison to the LUTC.
Respectfully submitted,
David Sweet
Request for every Board members to volunteer for at least one committee or take other SCA responsibility, Rachel Studer.
BOARD EXERCISE -Paige Coleman, Exec. Dir. of NE Coalition of Neighborhoods, presented an exercise to vision the upcoming year and establish procedures for committees and board to communicate and make decisions.
Paige briefly described NECN and what if offers the neighborhoods but quickly moved on to the matter at hand, a vision for Sabin. She asked for words from each person in that regard. The responses:
Sustainability. What exactly? Environmental. Green streets. Pedestrians. Bikers. Affordable housing.
Diversity: wealthier folks and poorer folks living side by side. Ethnic groups. Family units, households.
Community building: social networks, multi-cultural; inter-generational.
Liveability: affordable; community appreciation. Wealth creation. Parks. Schools. Improving services. Shops and accessibility.
Community: meeting each others needs; knowing each other.
Traditions--developing them; maintaining them.
Prefer virtues to values: tolerance, humility, reverence, confidence, ongoing learning.
Historic preservation.
Families: supporting schools.
Families: supporting families through valuing mothers and supporting them, creating families that feel confident, safe, and able to care for their children, their new babies.
Identity. “I want more than anything to know my neighbors. They know me. I know them. They are going to look after our kids. Welcoming new people, valuing the old. Sabin is still looking for its identity.”
Economic self-sufficiency: home businesses. and local commercial businesses. Barter. Exchange of services and goods.
Paige says this exercise is useful because ideas often form as these words are spoken. There is some general discussion of these words. Some words are added: Advocacy.
Sense of community. Connectedness among neighborhoods. Pet friendliness. Good times. Welcoming. Input into city-wide decision making.
What is the next step? Elise says a neighborhood plan. There is general agreement about this and the suggestion that the upcoming general meeting “help to define better who we are.”
We should solicit the neighborhood in this endeavor through newsletter and the blog, looking, as Clay put it, to define the community and to create its vision.
Next meeting: Monday 9 March.
General meeting: Monday 27 April.
The meeting was adjourned.