Sunday, August 21, 2011

Upcoming Events and Information for NE Portland Residents

Hello neighbors!

Please see below for a variety of announcements about upcoming events, important dates and information available to you. 
  •  The Urban Food Code Zoning Code Update Survey has been extended.  This project is exploring updates to Portland’s zoning code as it relates to urban food production and distribution and animals.  The following link has information about the concept report and the survey.  Please pass along to those you think may want to weigh in.
  •  The N/NE Quadrant planning project would like public input on the concepts developed so far.  Please visit, to review the information and take a survey to provide your feedback.

  • The N. Williams Traffic Operations Safety Project will be holding a community forum in October to explore how the traffic operations safety project relates to gentrification, privilege, historic disenfranchisement, community power, and the nature of public decision-making. More information available soon.
  •  The Hayden Island Natural Resources Inventory Draft report is available for review.  This report is the first step in updating the Environmental Program on Hayden Island.  This is part of the planning work for a mix of marine terminal development and open spaces on West Hayden Island.   The report is available here:
  •  The Coalition for a Livable Future is accepting registrations for the 2011 Regional Livability Summit.  This year’s Summit will take place on September 14th and the theme is Climate Equity.  Please visit, for more information.
  •  Save the date for the Urban League of Portland’s Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner to celebrate the mission of the League and honor those who support and serve our community.  The event will be Thursday, November 17th.  More info, here:
  •  Finally, please watch for more information coming soon about the Neighborhood Small Grants program, a new Speaker Series on community economic development and the Local Leaders Institute! Small Grants information will be available early September and the Speaker Series and Local Leaders Institute are both coming this fall!

Shoshana Cohen
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods

1 comment:

Mim said...

Thanks for all the useful info! I'm glad i have this in my RSS feed. And hi, Shoshanna, nice chatting yesterday at the 8th Ave block party :)