Thursday, January 20, 2011

Community Forum feedback and next steps

Thank you to those who attended the Grant Cluster Enrollment Process Public Forum last Thursday, 1/14.  An eyeball guesstimate puts attendance at about 250 participants, many of whom engaged in small group conversation and written exercises to offer feedback to PPS on the school reconfiguration options and boundary changes for Sabin, Alameda and Beaumont schools.  The comments have been compiled and are available on the PPS website: (first 4 links in right-hand column).

The next steps in the process are as follows:

  • January 20 @ Sabin, 6pm: Final BAC Meeting and recommendation[s] to Superintendent
  • Week of January 24: Superintendent's recommendation
  • January 27 @ Beaumont, time tbd: Community Meeting on Superintendent's recommendation
  • February 2: Recommendation to the Board Ad-Hoc Committee on School Assignment Program Initiation and Reconfiguration
  • February 7: Board Vote

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