Sabin SUN program is offering FREE lunch for any person 0-18 years and their parents!
Lunch is served anytime between 11am and 1pm, now through the end of July. Don't miss out and please spread the word within Sabin!
In addition, there are books, games, and gym equipment for students to use.
The official blog of NE Portland's Sabin Community Association representing the Sabin neighborhood.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Oregon Tradeswomen Empowers Women
Hello Friends,
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. empowers women to enter into high skill, high wage careers in construction through our FREE, seven-week Trades and Apprenticeship Career Class.
Please help us spread the word about our free program so even more women can get started into satisfying, living wage careers. Here are the basics:
- Class meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. and includes classroom training (including 5 hours of green job training), hands-on construction work, field trips, valuable industry certifications, strength/fitness training, construction math and measurement, and career counseling.
- Our next class starts on August 10, 2010. Information Sessions about what to expect from the class are held at the PCC Metro One Stop and attending is thefirst step to entering our class. Info sessions are held twice a month.
Women can call us to sign up for the next info session at 503-335-8200 x 21 OR sign up online at:
- We do require a GED and prioritize participants that have a driver’s license. However, interested women should contact us as we often counsel people about what goals to work toward to be more successful in the industry.
Again, thanks for your help in spreading the word and please contact me if you have any questions about the class.
Dawn Jones
Available only Monday and Thursdays for emails and phone calls.
Lead Instructor/Construction Manager
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
1714 NE Alberta St.
Portland, OR 97211
phone: 503-335-8200 x31
fax: 503-249-0445
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc: dedicated to promoting the success
of women in the trades through education, leadership and mentorship.
Check out our FREE women-only pre-apprenticeship class
and other programs at
Monday, June 14, 2010
How do I know where to start saving energy?

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sabin's Pre-kindergarten program
By Andrew Dauch, Sabin School Principal
For the 2010-11 school year, Sabin will be offering a fee-based pre-kindergarten program. The program will run from 8:30 - 11:15 am, Monday through Friday. The cost of the program is $340 per month, September through May. We will have four tuition reduction slots for families qualifying for Free and Reduced-Priced Meals. The early registration deadline is June 1st, but we will continue to accept applications on a first come, first serve basis until all 20 slots have been taken.
To pick up an application, please go to the school or go online and go to the pre-k link.
Questions? Please contact the school at 503-916-6482.
Thanks to all of you for your support of our students and school. I look forward to working with all of you next year!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Build-a-Burger to Fight Hunger
by David Sweet
The King Portland Farmers Market is in full swing Sundays from 10 am until 2 pm at the King neighborhood facility, NE 7th & Wygant.
Foodshare Fund Northeast, a project of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN), is also in full swing. For our second year we are providing a matching funds for our neighbors using food stamps to buy fresh, local food at the market. This year, in response to a growing and urgent need, we've expanded the program. Nearly one in five Oregonians are now receiving food stamps, 39% of them children. Foodshare Fund NE provides funds from our community -- businesses, community groups, neighbors -- to match food stamps spent at King dollar for dollar, up to $10 per week. Last year, the average match was $234 per Sunday. This year it has been $896 per Sunday.
Foodshare Fund NE is privileged to be able to support our neighbors during this time with fresh, local food and to support our local farmers and food system. If you'd like the opportunity to help, contact us at or through our Facebook page "Foodshare Fund NE". If you'd like to donate, you can do so at the market every week at the NECN info booth, on-line through PayPal at (specify "Foodshare Fund" in comments), or by mail, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211-3939. More information is also available on the Portland Farmers Market site, "Healthy Food for All".
Join us! at King Portland Farmers Market Sunday, the 4th of July for Build-a-Burger! Get a $5 meat or vegie burger fresh grilled at the market from 11 am - 1 pm. 100% of proceeds benefit Foodshare Fund NE.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sabin Community Orchard Work Party Report 6/6/10
Report from 6/6/10: It was a soggy day and a slim crew, but we did some good weeding, expanded the tree cages and had FUN doing it!
Come join us:
First Sunday each month, June 6-Oct 3, 1-2:30 p.m.
Meet at the Sabin Community Orchard (NE 18th at Mason)
Help keep the newly planted fruit trees looking good and staying weed-free. Please consider volunteering to join our monthly adopt-our-orchard group! We will have basic tools, but feel free to bring your favorite weeder or other garden tool.
Please contact Gwenn Baldwin at 503-281-5959 or if you want to get involved—your support for the Sabin community orchard is needed and appreciated! We also want to give a shout out to our friends at the Portland Fruit Tree Project, who have pruned up the older cherry trees. Thank you!!
AUGUST 7, 2010
Annual Event has new features planned to attract Portland neighbors
Beaumont Village, NE Fremont, Portland – Beaumont Business Association and local businesses on NE Upper Fremont present the annual Fremont Festival to be held on August 7, 2010 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Plans to close the street from NE 42nd to NE 50th are underway. The BBA is working on some new events that should attract families in and around surrounding neighborhoods. The event kicks off at 10:00 am with a Bike Parade/Pet Parade starting at Beaumont Middle School. Parents, kids and pets are encouraged to decorate their bikes, don their costumes for themselves and their pets and meet at the school at 9:30. There will be prizes awarded for Best Bike Decoration, Best Kids Costume, Best Parent Costume and Best Pet Costume. Dance Groups, Scouts, and others are encouraged to participate. The BBA is looking for bands to play music and march in the parade. Interested parties can contact Christine Mallar at Green Dog Pet Supply at 503-528-1800.
After the parade the street will be closed and set up with vendors and games for all the neighbors to enjoy. The BBA has vendor space for artisans, crafters, food vendors for the day. This year they are especially looking for non-profit groups to get a vendor spot and set up game booths or food booth to raise money for their organization. Non-profit groups looking for ideas or to share their idea should contact Rebecca Lehman at 949-395-3305. Vendor applications can be obtained from Jackie Safko at Albina Bank 4020 NE Fremont. Email Jackie to receive more information at
“We are envisioning games like a dunk tank or a simple home-made ring toss for organizations hoping to raise money for their non-profit groups. For the more organized groups, food is always popular. This is a family event. In the spirit of giving back the BBA wants to offer our local non-profit groups a chance to promote their cause and raise some needed money for their organization,” said Rebecca Lehman, President of the BBA.
Date: August 7, 2010
Time: 10:00 am – Parade
10:30 – 5:00 – Street Festival
Location: NE Fremont between 42nd & 50th
Some of the scheduled Events
- Soluna Grill to sponsor Salsa Challenge at Fremont Festival. Executive Chef Dan Straub would like to invite all neighbors in and around Portland to come and share your best Salsa. “By August we should be seeing some great tomato’s and if you think you have a “killer” salsa we encourage you to enter our Salsa Challenge at this year’s Fremont Festival”, says owner/executive chef Dan Straub. The Salsa Challenge will be held in the Soluna Grill Parking Lot. Each contestant must make a gallon of their best salsa for the community to taste and judge. Awards will be presented for BEST SALSA and BEST DECORATED BOOTH. The two Award Categories will be PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD and JUDGES AWARD. The community will taste and vote for their favorite Salsa for the PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD. Official Judges will be chosen from among local restaurants for the JUDGE’S AWARD. Individuals will receive 3 Tastes for $5 – 100% of proceeds go to BBA for the Main Street Program. To enter the Salsa Challenge call Dan Straub at 971-222-3433 or Becky Lehman at 949-395-3305.
Time: 11:00 – 1:00 – Tasting 2:00 - Awards
Location: Soluna Grill Parking Lot
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Lehman – 949-395-3305
2010 Spring Clean-up — More Awesome Than Ever!
By Austin Peterson & Jerry Channell
Clean-up Committee Co-Chairs
The Sabin Community Association Clean-up Committee is delighted to report that the 2010 Spring Clean-up held at the Marantha Church parking lot was another unprecedented success. Volunteers facilitated over 80 individual drop-offs during the 4 hour event. We completed 6 “personal pick-ups” for elders and residents in need during the event as well.
Allied Waste Services hauled away 8.25 tons of rubbish and 3.3 tons of wood/yard debris. Anfield and Sons hauled away over 3 tons of metal. We disposed of 27 TVs/monitors, 18 mattresses, 27 tires, 12 couches and 6 appliances.
Over 10 Sabinites volunteered to help expedite debris unloading during the event.
The Sabin Clean-up Committee are thankful for the support that the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and Metro provided both before and during the clean-up.
Lastly, after organizing the Spring Clean-up for 30 years, Betty Walker could not participate this year. We're sure Betty used her intrepid manner to lobby the forces of nature to guarantee the sunny day that we enjoyed. The Sabin Spring Clean-up is Betty's legacy. And the fact that Sabinites, from all sorts of places, backgrounds and ideals can get together and make Sabin a better place by simply participating is the stuff Betty loved. Thanks Betty for establishing that sort of social bedrock in our community; its a terrific foundation for each of us to continue building our neighborhood upon!
By Rachel Studer, retiring president, SCA
I joined SCA in 2002, wrote about Sabin gardens for the newsletter and put on the first Sabin Summer Celebration to honor volunteers. At that time, the state of the world and nation was so bad that many of us were searching for an ideal small community. Hooray for Portland for nurturing its neighborhoods!
I dropped out for a while but returned to SCA in 2007 because young people were moving into leadership roles. I have served as co-president, then president for two and a half years and will step down this month. In the last couple of years the board has had an influx of folk, some with impressive professional experience, all dedicated to making Sabin a great neighborhood. I counted two dozen major projects that the board has accomplished in the last years. Amazing!
What I wish for Sabin is that it will strive to find its identity. The response to saying where I live is, “What’s Sabin?” I stand in the Sabin schoolyard after school lets out and think I see who we are: We are devoted to our families; we are diverse and want to keep it that way; we are creative, conscientious and informal; we love our trees, our gardens replete with food and critters; we believe in being good neighbors. Longtime residents give us continuity of values and history. Sabin is small , and small is beautiful.
We are one of the best kept secrets in Portland.
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