Monday, October 27, 2008

Minutes of the Sabin Community Association, October 13, 2008

Attending: Rachel Studer, Chika Saeki, Elise Scolnick, Jeff Strang, Amy Hunter, Libery Wilson, Mikele Schappell, Judy Harrison.

Minutes from the previous board meeting which were published on the internet, were accepted.

The treasurer reported that the balance is $3,053.04. Expenses included the printing of the newsletter - $205. and the State of Oregon Corporation Division for $50. Income included $90 from ads on the newsletter.

Newsletter changes were tabled until the new officers come on board in January.

Member-at-large nominations were acknowledged. Ian Lomax and Kjell van Zoen have volunteered. The members-at-large serving until 2010 are: Elise, Judy, Gabrielle Josephson, and Jeff. Until 2011 are: Ian, and Kjell, leaving 2 open positions. Hopefully these will be filled at the General Meeting on the 20th.

General Meeting for Oct. 20th has been planned to include tables set up by local organizations: NET, BTA, PTA, SCA, Friends of Trees, and the Tool Library. The agenda includes reports from: Mr. Shafer, principal of Sabin School, David Sweet on the bike boulevard, and information on the children's levy. A general meeting of the SCA will follow. We hope to get more information on the many measures on the ballot from the League of Women voters. The election of officers for 2009 will also be held. Liberty and Amy will provide refreshments. Mikele will make signs for the doors to direct people. Jeff and Chika will be greeters. Rachel will be there early to direct the tablers. Mikele will have a sign up sheet for the general public and then hand them a ballot. She will also provide a box for the ballot returns. Babysitting will be provided if there are requests for it. Judy will take minutes of the General Meeting. All are asked to arrive by 6:00.

New business: There was a discussion of the Small Grants Program from the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods. It was proposed that various members of the board write grants to cover: the crosswalk at Irving Park (Jeff), the Art Festival at 15th and Prescott (Judy), creation of a Web page for the SCA (Elise). These must follow a specific form and be submitted by Nov. 3rd to the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods, Lauren McCarthy.

Plans were made for the board Holiday Party in December at LaBodega on Dec. 8 or 9th.

Plans are in the works for the wrap up of the year issue of the Newsletter for January,

The revision of the by-laws by Judy will start in January with the help of the NC Coalition.

Respectfully submitted, Judy Harrison

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sabin Tree Events- Fall 2008

Sabin Neighborhood Fall Color Tree Walk
Sunday, October 26, 12:30-2:00 pm
Sabin Elementary School, 4013 NE 18th

Join Portland Parks & Recreation for a tree identification walk of the Sabin Neighborhood. Get ready for the winter planting season by joining us for this fun, insightful look at the trees of Sabin in the stunning fall color. Lead by Portland Parks & Recreation Arborist this tree walk will cover, tree characteristics, botanic history and identification techniques. Walk is free and registration is appreciated. For more information on this tree walk or copy of the tree map contact Portland Parks & Recreation City Nature at 503-823-1650 or go to

Portland Parks & Recreation Neighborhood Tree Steward Program (formerly called the Tree Liason Class)

Have fun and learn about Portland's trees and practice your tree pruning. This fun, hands-on, three part class that will cover general tree care, tree planting, tree pruning, tree preservation, tree identification and city tree ordinances. After completing the class volunteers are able to work with Portland Parks & Recreation on community tree projects. Previous projects have included tree identification walks, neighborhood block street tree pruning class, community tree planting or community tree care presentations.

The class costs $20 and requires a volunteer commitment of 40 hours. For more information about the class please call 503-823-1650 or

October 2008 Neighborhood Tree Volunteer Class
Woodstock Community Center from 9 am to 12 noon (unless otherwise noted)

Saturday October 11: Tree Care Part I
  • Introduction to Portland Urban Forest
  • Urban Tree conflicts
  • Introduction to Tree Biology
  • Portland Tree Ordinances
Saturday October 18 Tree Care Part II
  • General Tree Biology
  • Hands on Pruning
  • Mature Tree Care
  • Common Pests and Tree Diseases of the Urban Forest
  • Community outreach
Saturday October 25, Optional Tree Walk
Sellwood Park 7700 SE 7th Ave, Portland

Saturday November 1, Tree Planting Class
Location to be announced

Information about leaves:
LEAFLINE at 503-823-1784,;

Property owners are responsible for removing and disposing of fallen leaves
on their property and from the sidewalks adjacent to their property.
Portland Street Maintenance crews perform limited leaf cleanup in the fall
in areas with the most street trees.

The fall leaf removal program begins late October and runs through mid-December 2008. The program focuses on picking up the leaves that fall onto the streets in neighborhoods with high concentrations of mature street trees. Street leaf removal helps reduce slippery road conditions, increasing the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Leaf removal also reduces localized flooding caused by clogged drain inlets. The City infrastructure benefits from the reduced amount of leaves entering storm drains.

Please be aware that we ask all residents not to rake leaves into the street. Use your yard debris collection service, or take your leaves to the leaf depot sites for recycling.

Leaf Depots

Leaf depots are leaf recycle sites where residents can bring their yard leaves for recycling for a nominal fee. These depots will start October 25, 2008 and will run through December 7, 2008. Depots are open on either Saturday or Sunday each weekend through Saturday, December 7, 2008. Click here for the 2008 Leaf Depot Schedule or a PDF version to find out depot locations, times, dates, and fees. Schedule information will also be advertised in The Oregonian.

Neighborhood Leaf Removal

Neighborhood leaf removal service is provided in 17 neighborhoods with high concentrations of mature street trees. The leaf drop in these areas is so heavy that it creates hazards for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, and clogs storm drains causing local flooding and deterioration of the road surface. Specially equipped crews are required to pick up the large volume of leaves from the streets in these neighborhoods. Click here for the 2008 Leaf District Schedule or a PDF version to find out leaf removal neighborhoods, area boundaries, and dates. Residents in the leaf removal neighborhoods will be notified in advance of their scheduled dates by a door hanger.

For more information contact the LEAFLINE at 503-823-1784,

Minutes of the Sabin Community Association - September 8, 2008

Attending: Barbara Conable, Liberty Wilson, Judy Harrison, Ric Alexander, David Sweet, Amy Hunter, Jeff Strang, Rachel Studer, Elise Scolnick.

A round of introductions and short bios were heard.

Minutes were read and approved from the June 9, 2008 meeting.

Jeff Strang talked about the Neighborhood Inspection and Complaints group that he is associated with. The burned house on 15th and Prescott and the noise in the neighborhood at Whole Foods was discussed.

Elise Scolnick discussed the Last Thursday event at Alberta Street. 8-9,000 people attended. A section of the street was closed to traffic, there were portapotties, trash bins, and police. She discussed the Last Thursday Preservation Society who plans to distribute rules for Last Thursday to the residents of the area. There is a need for volunteers, and a bike corral. Parking in the neighborhood seems to be one of the biggest problems. For more information it is advised to go to the site:

Treasurer's Report: Income: Ads: $180, Art Show: $70, Clean-up: 291.50
Total income: $541.50
Expenditures: J. Harrison - 122.58, J. Channell - $291.50, A. Hunter - $19.28, R. Studer - $49.44, Print Results - $360, ICA - 84. Total exp. - $926.80.
Final Balance - $3218.04

Nominations for the 2009 year so far are as follows:
President - Rachel Studer
1st VP - Liberty Wilson
2nd VP - Ric Alexander
Treasurer - Chika Saeki
Corres. and Recording Sec. - Barbara Conable
Publicity Officer - none
Members at large - Judy Harrison, Elise Scolnik, Jeff Strang, Kjell Ban Zoen
More needed

Judy Harrison volunteered to rewrite the by-laws for the association.

Plans were made for the next board meeting on Oct. 13th. The General Meeting will be Oct 20th. The plan is to have the central issue - the election and ballot measures. Also Emily will give a presentation on the bike boulevard for Going Ave. Hopefully some of the candidates will attend and give a speech. Several have been contacted but will attend late.

Rachel will attend the Neighborhood Small Grants session on Sept. 29 to find out about how to do grant applications.

The Spirit of Portland Awards needs people to give names for those to be honored.

It was noted that a helper for in the Ads for the newsletter is needed. All you people who get the minutes and don't help out please contact Rachel to help.

Traffic Safety Report will be going into the mail tomorrow. All the businesses were contacted and they gave the OK about the safety on Fremont Ave. around the parks at Hydro and Irving.

It was announced that the N.E. Coalition will come to the board meeting in October.

The meeting was closed at 9:00. Submitted by, Judy Harrison