Attending: Rachel Studer, Chika Saeki, Elise Scolnick, Jeff Strang, Amy Hunter, Libery Wilson, Mikele Schappell, Judy Harrison.
Minutes from the previous board meeting which were published on the internet, were accepted.
The treasurer reported that the balance is $3,053.04. Expenses included the printing of the newsletter - $205. and the State of Oregon Corporation Division for $50. Income included $90 from ads on the newsletter.
Newsletter changes were tabled until the new officers come on board in January.
Member-at-large nominations were acknowledged. Ian Lomax and Kjell van Zoen have volunteered. The members-at-large serving until 2010 are: Elise, Judy, Gabrielle Josephson, and Jeff. Until 2011 are: Ian, and Kjell, leaving 2 open positions. Hopefully these will be filled at the General Meeting on the 20th.
General Meeting for Oct. 20th has been planned to include tables set up by local organizations: NET, BTA, PTA, SCA, Friends of Trees, and the Tool Library. The agenda includes reports from: Mr. Shafer, principal of Sabin School, David Sweet on the bike boulevard, and information on the children's levy. A general meeting of the SCA will follow. We hope to get more information on the many measures on the ballot from the League of Women voters. The election of officers for 2009 will also be held. Liberty and Amy will provide refreshments. Mikele will make signs for the doors to direct people. Jeff and Chika will be greeters. Rachel will be there early to direct the tablers. Mikele will have a sign up sheet for the general public and then hand them a ballot. She will also provide a box for the ballot returns. Babysitting will be provided if there are requests for it. Judy will take minutes of the General Meeting. All are asked to arrive by 6:00.
New business: There was a discussion of the Small Grants Program from the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods. It was proposed that various members of the board write grants to cover: the crosswalk at Irving Park (Jeff), the Art Festival at 15th and Prescott (Judy), creation of a Web page for the SCA (Elise). These must follow a specific form and be submitted by Nov. 3rd to the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods, Lauren McCarthy.
Plans were made for the board Holiday Party in December at LaBodega on Dec. 8 or 9th.
Plans are in the works for the wrap up of the year issue of the Newsletter for January,
The revision of the by-laws by Judy will start in January with the help of the NC Coalition.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Harrison