The SCA Plant Exchange and Bi-Annual General Meeting is Monday, May 9th!!!
This year we are hosting our first of many plant exchanges and presenting some fantastic designs for the remodel of Sabin Triangle (SW corner of 15th and Prescott). All of the events listed below take place at Sabin School on Monday, May 9th.
Childcare will be provided.

7-8pm---The SCA will be presenting some concepts for how to repurpose the Sabin Triangle. Architects will be on hand to present their designs and Sabin will be asking for your input so please join us! The presentation will take place in the Sabin School auditorium and Whole Foods will provide delicious refreshments.
8-9pm--- If you want to help make your neighborhood a better place for everyone, this is your chance. We will be hosting elections to the Sabin Community Association board. Board members for July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012. The SCA and this community need your help!
If you’re interested in serving on the SCA Board for 2011-2012, please contact Austin Peterson, President, 503-519-6447 or, or Barbara Conable, Secretary, 503-283-9636 or