Sunday, July 6, 2008

June Board Meeting of the Sabin Community Association

Meeting of the Sabin Community Association
June 9, 2008
Attending: Chika Saeki, Mikele Schappell, David Goldstein, Rachel Studer, Amy Hunter, Judy Harrison, Trent Thelen.
A resident of the area around Whole Foods, David Goldstein came to this meeting to discuss possible solutions to the noise in his block. He lives behind Whole Foods and says that the garbage pick up for the store comes three days a week at 5:00 am. and that the roof top air conditioner is extremely noisy. He has discussed both problems with the management. No solution has been suggested by them for the air conditioner, but they stop the garbage for a time and then it resumes at the early hour. He was directed to talk to Jeff Strang to put him in the right direction.
Rachel reported that the formal draft of the "Request to Portland Department of Transportation for Pedestrian Safety Measures in Sabin Neighborhood" was written and mailed to the PDOT. She presented this document for revision and corrections to the Board. Anyone interested could get a copy from
Judy said that a second volunteer is needed for the coming June 21st event. Betty Walker will be there in the morning. There are 6 people who have paid for their space, and 3 more who will possibly join the group. Jeff Strang volunteered to provide music.
Mikele said that the National Night Out Event will be August 5th from 6-8. There will be live music, certificates for volunteers, a fun raffle. She hopes to get the Police or Fire Fighters there with a truck. All members are asked to bring a white elephant gift for the raffle. Anyone coming should bring food for the Pot Luck, and table cloths for the tables. Whether or not we could grill was questioned. Also the was a question as to who has the raffle tickets.
The Movie in the Park event on August 22nd was discussed. Rachel will be attending the Irvington Community Association meeting on Thursday and will take notes about the event since we are sharing the expense and are involved in the planning. We are contributing $250 for the event and will ask local businesses to share a part of this.
Since this is the last board meeting and newsletter for the year, the board decided to make plans for the October General Meeting. A volunteer for the Chairman of this event is needed. Plans are to get the candidates there to discuss their platform and to discuss the various ballot measures. The Board Meeting is planned for October 13. The newsletter will go out to residents on the first of the month. The General Meeting is planned for October 20th. Plans for the next election of nominations for the Board will be in September. The new board will be elected at the General Meeting on October 20th.
A Tool Library is being collected for the residents of NE Portland. It will be located on 20th and Killingsworth. The Grand Opening is July 15, 2008. Contact Eric at 503-754-0534 or Tom at 503-539-1756 for tool donations.
Chika reported that the Treasurer's Report is on the email site. The balance is $3603.34
Respectfully submitted, Judy Harrison