Attending: Rachel Studer, David Higginson, Judy Harrison, Ric Alexander,Chris Ritter, Jerry Channell, Mikele Schappell, Elise Scolnick, Jeff Strang, Amy Hunter, Chika Saeki.
Report of the Transportation Committee:
It was a general proclaimation that the public meeting on Public Safety held at Sabin School, March 31st, was a great success. Fifty people attended and participated. There was time for all to share their concerns about the traffic on Fremont Ave. A PDOT representative was there to explain the city's part. He explained at the businesses in the areas of concern should be notified about our efforts to amend traffic. There were three areas of high concern: the crosswalk on Prescott into the new Hydro Park, the crosswalk on Fremont into Irvington Park, and corridors for bikes (instead of using 15th). Articles will be written to include in the newsletter. The next transportation committee meeting will be May 12th at 6:30.
Clean-Up Committee Report:
The T-Shirts were ready for pick up. There are about 20 volunteers who will participate that day (May 3). A community warehouse representative will be there to guide us. a fee will be charged for all TV's and computer monitors. All electronics will be free. Vouchers will be made up for the truckers who haul for us to dump. NE Coalition will pay for the dumping. Habitat for Humanity has been contacted to provide hand-outs for future donations. More volunteers are needed that day.
Events Committee:
The day for the Art Show and Sale has been set, June 21st, a Saturday from 9-5 at the corner of 15th and Prescott and the parking lot of Prescott Village. Flyers will be made up to call all artists interested in participating. A $10 fee will be set for participation. All artists must display their own handmade work on tables, shelves, etc. and not the ground. Permission is being sought from the owners of these areas.
National Night-Out and Volunteer Association Awards Night will be a pot luck on August 5th with Jeff Strang singing.
Movie at the Park, a joint event with the Irvington CA, will be August 22 at the Irving Park. The movie will be "Raiders of the Lost Ark". There will also be a band, a climbing wall, and other kids activities.
The Alberta Art Hop will be May 17. There was discussion as to whether SCA and NET would man a booth. The booths were $20 to $25. The measure was tabled for lack of support.
Land Use Committee:
The city is redoing plans. Jeff passed out the Portland Plan Survey and Information Sheets. He asked that everyone read and fill out the plan.
Treasurer Report:
Chika reported that we have $336.11 in the bank. She has transferred names and now is in control of the account. It was mentioned that the NE Coalition will help pay for the printing of the newsletter.
Newsletter Report:
Rachel reported that it was very difficult to do the newsletter on her computer. She was still cutting and pasteing. She asked for $75 to get the "Pages" program to facilitate the process. It was moved by Jeff and seconded by Amy to purchase this for her. She would hope to take a class to understand the program. Further discussion ensued about the weaknesses of the program. Jerry volunteered to compile a template on Windows that would be compatible with Apple to help her out. Elise also volunteered to help with the layout. Rachel will then just collect articles and write them up. Chika will help get the ads and bill them quarterly. Space was also a major consideration. This will be addressed when the template is created. The motion to purchase "Pages" was tabled for lack of interest. There will be an effort to get the newsletter out at the beginning of every month.
New Business:
News came from NECN that Robin Dever is leaving. Discussion commenced about the $1000 grant from NECN and how do we apply for it. Chika will find out about what we should be doing. Shannon Olive is the office manager of the NECN at this moment.
Charitable Acitivities Form for the Oregon Dept. of Justice must be fill out each year. Rachel will do this. Chika will fill out the form giving her phone number and the address will be the NE Coalition.
By-laws revision is tabled for lack of time and people to do this. Volunteers are needed for this task. NE Coalition wants us to comply with all the other CA's, e.g. voting in April for our officers.
We need to recruit new board members who will participate in the running of the organization. There is a call for a volunteer to set up a data base on Excel Microsolft Office to list all of the people who attended the general meetings.
Refreshments for next time will be provided by Ric.
The next board meeting is May 12th 7-9