Attending: Rachel Studer, Judy Harrison, Kathy Boyea, Tammy Paladeni, Ric Alexander, Chika Saeki, Jerry Channell, Jay Shuster, Jeff Strang, Jason Orth, and Mikele Schappell.
The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as printed.
The treasurer's report was presented by Rachel since our Treasurer, Gabrielle Josephson had to resign. There is $3,099 in the banking account and $400. at the Northeast Coalition for our use in communications. The total being $3499.00.
Chika Saeki volunteered to step into the Treasurer's position. It was moved by Ric Alexander that her nomination be accepted. It was seconded by Rachal. There were 7 votes in favor of Chika assuming the position of Treasurer. zero nos and zero abstainers.
Jerry Channell presented detailed report on the Clean-up Committee. He and Betty Walker will be co-chairing the event. on May 3rd from 10-2 at the Maranatha Church parking lot. He explained that a coupon will be at the front bottom of the April newsletter. It will enable the SCA to know who is using the service, why they are using the service, and how many other years they have used this service. It will provide the SCA with names and addresses of individuals who would be interested in helping out the SCA at other events. A donation will be sought for the service. Jerry and Betty plan on creating a T-shirt for the volunteers at the May event. It was moved by Ric and Jeff to give $200 toward the expense of the shirts. Mikele seconded. There were 7 votes in favor of this expense (zero nos, zero abstainers). Cold water, sodas and lunchtime snacks will also be provided. Donations from those who drop off items will cover this expense. Included in the report was information that the city will need at the end of the event. There will be flyers distributed to advertise the clean-up.
The Transportation Committee meets at 6:30 before the Board Meeting. They have made plans for the March 31st meeting. Will Stevens will be at the general meeting to provide information about ways to slow traffice on Fremont. Volunteers were sought to help prepare for this meeting, working on the questionaire that will be included in the next newsletter. [Somebody] volunteered to call for helpers and get information out. Board members were encouraged to talk up neighborhood participation and get people to come to the March meeting. It was suggested that those interested in changing things in the community call 503-823-safe to lodge a complaint with the powers that be. Also to check out the city website "Portland online" to look under PDOT.
Jeff Strang and Ric spoke about the Land Use section of the Transportation Committee. Jeff discussed the Daddy Mojo noise complaint and the raising of the 15th and Prescott burnt house.
Judy will investigate the possibility of having a community art fair on the corner of 15th and Prescott during the summer. The parking lot outside of Bean may also be included.
Tammy recommended that she would like to see the Board create a communications/pr plan for the next year and would work to enable that happening.
Since balloons are not a very ecological item, it was moved by Jerry and seconded by Mikele that the balloons be removed from the Sabin Newsletter logo. There were 7 votes in favor, zero nos, zero abstainers.
The March newsletter will feature an article about Gentrification by Mikele.
Jeff will provide refreshments for the next Board meeting.
It was moved by Ric to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mikele.
The minutes from the last board meeting were approved as printed.
The treasurer's report was presented by Rachel since our Treasurer, Gabrielle Josephson had to resign. There is $3,099 in the banking account and $400. at the Northeast Coalition for our use in communications. The total being $3499.00.
Chika Saeki volunteered to step into the Treasurer's position. It was moved by Ric Alexander that her nomination be accepted. It was seconded by Rachal. There were 7 votes in favor of Chika assuming the position of Treasurer. zero nos and zero abstainers.
Jerry Channell presented detailed report on the Clean-up Committee. He and Betty Walker will be co-chairing the event. on May 3rd from 10-2 at the Maranatha Church parking lot. He explained that a coupon will be at the front bottom of the April newsletter. It will enable the SCA to know who is using the service, why they are using the service, and how many other years they have used this service. It will provide the SCA with names and addresses of individuals who would be interested in helping out the SCA at other events. A donation will be sought for the service. Jerry and Betty plan on creating a T-shirt for the volunteers at the May event. It was moved by Ric and Jeff to give $200 toward the expense of the shirts. Mikele seconded. There were 7 votes in favor of this expense (zero nos, zero abstainers). Cold water, sodas and lunchtime snacks will also be provided. Donations from those who drop off items will cover this expense. Included in the report was information that the city will need at the end of the event. There will be flyers distributed to advertise the clean-up.
The Transportation Committee meets at 6:30 before the Board Meeting. They have made plans for the March 31st meeting. Will Stevens will be at the general meeting to provide information about ways to slow traffice on Fremont. Volunteers were sought to help prepare for this meeting, working on the questionaire that will be included in the next newsletter. [Somebody] volunteered to call for helpers and get information out. Board members were encouraged to talk up neighborhood participation and get people to come to the March meeting. It was suggested that those interested in changing things in the community call 503-823-safe to lodge a complaint with the powers that be. Also to check out the city website "Portland online" to look under PDOT.
Jeff Strang and Ric spoke about the Land Use section of the Transportation Committee. Jeff discussed the Daddy Mojo noise complaint and the raising of the 15th and Prescott burnt house.
Judy will investigate the possibility of having a community art fair on the corner of 15th and Prescott during the summer. The parking lot outside of Bean may also be included.
Tammy recommended that she would like to see the Board create a communications/pr plan for the next year and would work to enable that happening.
Since balloons are not a very ecological item, it was moved by Jerry and seconded by Mikele that the balloons be removed from the Sabin Newsletter logo. There were 7 votes in favor, zero nos, zero abstainers.
The March newsletter will feature an article about Gentrification by Mikele.
Jeff will provide refreshments for the next Board meeting.
It was moved by Ric to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mikele.